Sunday, January 30, 2011

Game Jam 2011 - Eats, Shoots & Leaves

In just a few hours, I've managed to add some nifty SFX and music to Breakfall's Eats, Shoots & Leaves. With this year's theme of "extinction", this Robotron-inspired action game has a panda picking up a shotgun to save his species from extinction by exterminating the bambo-forest destroying human beings. Here's the music I cranked out in about 2 hours. I had sort of been messing with the main theme at home in the last week, but the whole arrangement was done in the Carleton computer lab on my laptop. Game Jam rocks.

My music:

The Breakfall and friends team took away Carleton Game Jam's "participant favourite" award, and an honourable mention from the judges for "most mature execution". Woohoo!

I especially love the awesome artwork by Andrew Jobin for the menu screens, as well as the voxelated goodness of Phil Meyer's amazing engine. Such great work.